January 6, 2012

Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum is a candidate for the Republican Party's nomination for a potential President of the U.S.A.

Today I saw on a C.N.N. news report that Rick is against contraception. He is a Catholic who follows the strict magesterium of the Church, in which every random sexual act on this planet should have the potential of resulting in the birth of a child. Rick Santorum apparently has 6 children. It is lucky for him that he is rich enough to feed them. 

I heard this and thought - Did I hear that right? Can this be true? Can an educated man in the modern era actually promote the birth of children from every random sex act? 

The world's population is reaching 7 billion or 7,000 million souls. In the time of Christ there were about 350 million people living on this earth. We are taxing this planet to death with over-population. We are killing ourselves with people. We may all starve to death in the end. It is coming, slowly.

Rick Santorum lets his religious concepts and personal slant over-shadow this world's realities. Would you want this man to be the leader of a world power, if he achieved the Republican nomination and if he won a Presidential Election? Not me. 
Pray for the children who starve
in this era.

Every day, approximately 35,000 people die from causes related to starvation. They are hungry. Their bodies can't take any more abuse. They are sick and tired and weak.  Seemingly, many of them would kill for a loaf of bread. 

God save us from men like Rick Santorum, who put their own religious beliefs above the ultimate good of mankind. 

Jesus pray to your Father for us, that we find mercy.  Amen. 

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