May 18, 2011

Bradley Melton

Pfc. Bradley Melton, age 29, was killed on May 16, 2011, in Afghanistan, by an improvised explosive device. 

Brad was on his third tour of duty in Afghanistan. He'd been there only a few weeks but was in the Army for 10 years. He was a combat engineer.  He was assigned to Fort Wainwright, Alaska as part of the 1st Stryker Brigade Comat Team, 25th Infantry Division.

The incident happened while the soldiers were on mounted patrol Monday afternoon in the city of Spin Ghbarga.

Bradley was stationed in Fairbanks, Alaska, for about the last three years, but most of his loved ones are in Missouri. His mom and stepfather live just outside Rolla, Missouri. He had also completed two tours in Iraq.

Bradley is described as a friendly, loving and courageous man who always knew that serving his country was his calling in life. 

Father, lead Bradley to Heaven
Bradley Melton has two children who are living with his ex-wife. In addition to his two sons, mother, stepfather, and two sisters, Bradley is survived by his fiancé. Family members say that Bradley had hopes to marry her when he finished his third tour, in the spring of 2012.

Let us pray to God the Father, Jesus, all of the saints and all of the angels that Bradley Melton is in heaven. Let us pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen.

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