November 6, 2010

James C. Young (Chad)

A 25-year-old soldier from Rochester, Illinois was killed earlier this week while in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, the US Department of Defense said Friday.

Spc. James (Chad) Young died November 3, 2010, in Kandahar province, Afghanistan from wounds suffered when insurgents attacked his vehicle with an improvised explosive device (IED). He was called "Chad" by his family and friends. 

Specialist Young was assigned to the 863rd Engineer Battalion out of Darien, Illinois. His job was to travel ahead of other vehicles and convoys to clear the road of any explosives.

Spc. James Young graduated from Glenwood High School in 2003 and joined the Army about a year later. Family members said James Young went to Afghanistan earlier this year and had been home on leave less than two weeks ago.  

Relatives said Friday they knew James Young as a dependable brother, uncle and a friend with a playful streak. They also remembered him as a soldier who accepted his duty head-on.  James Young is the son of Brett and Jerry Young of Rochester. His sister is Katie Robbins. Steven Baptist is Chad Young’s older brother by about 10 years. They share the same mother.  Steven Baptist’s two brothers on his father’s side, Bohdon and Chase Baptist, said though Chad Young was not related to them by blood, they considered him family. “The four of us, we always looked at ourselves as real brothers,” Bohdon Baptist of Auburn said. “We just want Chad remembered. He was a great person. He led a great life so all of his family could live in a free world.” Chad Young was the baby of the group, but he was the one they looked up to, and not just because of his 6-foot-4 frame. "He’s the greatest guy,” Bohdon Baptist said.

Let us pray to God the Father, Jesus, all of the saints and all of the angels that James C. Young (Chad) is in heaven. Let us pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen

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